Seedo seeds, cheap, fast delivery and reliable.
Content: +/-12000 seeds
Price: €2.75
Botanical (scientific) name : Valerianella locusta Broadleaf Dutch
Synonym : Valerianella olitoria
Common name : corn salad, common cornsalad, lamb's lettuce, mâche, fetticus, feldsalat, nut lettuce, field salad, and rapunzel
A long-leaved type with greyish green leaves and a fairly flat growth habit. Grows more quickly than the short-leaved variety "Volhart" and is somewhat less sensitive to stem rot in the winter. Very productive crop. Sow in rows in the garden. Also suitable for cultivation in a heated greenhouse and indoors. After emergence do not thin out. Grow in well worked soil that has been fertilized with compost. Keep moist. Good resistance to frost. A very vitamin-rich winter vegetable.