Seedo samen, billig, schnelle Lieferung und zuverlässig.
Inhalt: +/-20 Samen
Preis: €1.90
Botanischer (Wissenschaftlichen) Name: Cucurbita pepo Sweet Dumpling BIO
Synonyme :
Volksname : Kürbisse Sweet Dumpling BIO
This striking marrow is not only very decorative, but is also very tasty. The taste of the orange/yellow flesh is deliciously sweet and slightly chesnutty. The plant bears around 10 small fruits (approx. 8–12 cm). Its creamwhite colour contrasts well with the dark-green stripes which run along the grooves. Sweet Dumpling is at its best up to 4 months after harvest. In the beginning, it is even edible like “mange tout”, with skin and all. It is ideally suited for stuffing.
Organically grown seeds * This seed has been grown, cleaned and packed according to the organic production method, which has been set by the SKAL Foundation, our number 026035 / NL-BIO-01