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PerserKlee ( Trifolium resupinatum) 80m2
PerserKlee ( Trifolium resupinatum) 80m2
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Chili Ungarische Hot Wax BIO (Capsicum) 25 Samen  €1.55 

Seedo samen, billig, schnelle Lieferung und zuverlässig.
Inhalt: +/-25 Samen
Preis: €1.55

Botanischer (Wissenschaftlichen) Name: Capsicum annuum Hungarian Wax BIO
Volksname : gelbe Ungarische Hot Wax Chili BIO

This is one of the largest peppers and has a medium hot flavour. Ripens from green to yellow, and then eventually to orange-red. The sharpness increases during ripening. This Hungarian pepper is approx. 15 cm long and 4 cm wide. Can be cultivated well in our cooler climate, but the harvests are of course greater and more certain in a cold greenhouse. The height of the plant is approx. 75 cm.

Organically grown seeds * This seed has been grown, cleaned and packed according to the organic production method, which has been set by the SKAL Foundation, our number 026035 / NL-BIO-01

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