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Indischer Senf Red Giant BIO (Brassica) 550 Samen BO
Indischer Senf Red Giant BIO (Brassica) 550 Samen BO
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Warenkorb Zeige mehr
1 x Sweet Pepper Jubilandska BIO (Capsicum) 40 seeds BO
1 x Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) 60m2
1 x Mustard Golden Frills 1000 seeds
1 x Chervil Fine Curled BIO (Anthriscus cerefolium) 700 seeds BU
1 x Bamboo Sticks 30cm 50pk
1 x Pot Marigold Orange Ball BIO (Calendula) 175 seeds BO
1 x Plant markers yellow 38cm 50x
1 x Eazy Plug CT6 Tray 6-Cell 10x15x3cm
1 x Eazy Plug Refill 1000 Plugs 3.5x3.5x3cm
1 x Eazy Plug CT24 Tray 24-Cell 30x15x3cm
1 x Leek (autumn) autumn giant 2 (Allium porrum) 750 seeds BU
1 x Garden cosmos Rubenza (Cosmos) 60 seeds HE
1 x Eazy Plug CT12 Tray 12-Cell 20x15x3cm
1 x Indian mustard Red Giant BIO (Brassica) 550 seeds BO
1 x Ecoplanc Garden Box 120x120x22cm
1 x Sunflower Sunspot BIO (Helianthus) 150 seeds BU
1 x Pepper Jalapeno BIO (Capsicum) 30 seeds BO
1 x Eazy Plug Refill 100 Plugs 3.5x3.5x3cm

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