Seedo samen, billig, schnelle Lieferung und zuverlässig.
Inhalt: +/-825 Samen
Preis: €1.25
Botanischer (Wissenschaftlichen) Name: Artemisia dracunculus
Synonym : Artemisia aromatica, Artemisia glauca
Volksname : Estragon, Dragon, Dragun
Generally known and popular due to its particular aromatic flavour: sweet and yet somewhat bitter. Use sparingly as too much makes the flavour sharp. In 1536 J. de la Ruelle wrote: "Tarragon is one of the best herbs for salads". Also suitable, for example, for fish dishes and soups. Sow in the greenhouse or in the garden in a seedbed, prick out and transplant to the final spot. In subsequent years cut back in autumn and cover in winter.