Seedo samen, billig, schnelle Lieferung und zuverlässig.
Inhalt: +/-175 Samen
Preis: €1.55
Botanischer (Wissenschaftlichen) Name: Amaranthus tricolor Garden Select
Synonyme : Amaranthus gangeticus
Volksname : Dreifarbiger Fuchsschwanz Garden Select, Buntblättriger Fuchsschwanz Garden Select, Reichfarbige Fuchsschwanz Garden Select
Rapid growing annual from tropical areas, Africa and Asia. This variety was at the birthplace of numerous cultivars, including vegetables (Chinese spinach) and flower bed plants with wonderfully coloured leaves. Garden Select has beautiful bronze, golden yellow, orange and red coloured leaves and retains its colour well into autumn. Sow in the warmth in a greenhouse, prick out then later transplant.