Seedo samen, billig, schnelle Lieferung und zuverlässig.
Inhalt: +/-175 Samen
Preis: €1.90
Botanischer (Wissenschaftlichen) Name: Brassica oleracea Westland BIO
Synonyme : Brassica oleracea var. sabellica
Volksname : Bio-Grünkohl Westlander, Grünkohl Westlander BIO, Braunkohl Westlander BIO, Krauskohl Westlander BIO, Hochkohl Westlander BIO, Winterkohl Westlander BIO, Strunkkohl Westlander BIO
Organically grown seeds. Medium-sized crop with dark green, finely furled leaves. Kale curly is clearly less demanding than cauliflower and can grow on any type of soil. Sow in seedbeds or directly in soil blocks or pots. Keep soil moist. Transplant around August in well worked and fertilized soil. Use anti-insect nets to protect young plants against cabbage midge and cabbage root fly. Contains many minerals as well as vitamins B and C. Can withstand moderate to severe frost.
Organically grown seeds * This seed has been grown, cleaned and packed according to the organic production method, which has been set by the SKAL Foundation, our number 026035 / NL-BIO-01