Seedo samen, billig, schnelle Lieferung und zuverlässig.
Inhalt: +/-60m2
Preis: €3.25
Botanischer (Wissenschaftlichen) Name: Phacelia tanacetifolia
Synonyme :
Volksname : Rainfarn-Phazelie BIO, Büschelschön BIO
Good for approx. 60 m2. Sow in the garden immediately after harvesting or on plots that are not used. Do not thin out. Through its formation of a wide branching mass of roots Phacelia loosens the soil and improves the drainage. Produces profuse blooms and is a good bee forage plant. Can be worked into the soil after three months, preferably in the autumn. Releases a great deal of organic matter into the soil.
Organically grown seeds * This seed has been grown, cleaned and packed according to the organic production method, which has been set by the SKAL Foundation, our number 026035 / NL-BIO-01